Welcome to WordPress!
Getting started…
- Login as admin and get blogging!
- Refer to the TurnKey WordPress release notes
- Refer to the WordPress Getting Started Codex
- Check out some of the numerous WordPress plugins:
- WordPress-SEO: Optimizes your WordPress blog for search engines and XML sitemaps.
- NextGEN Gallery: Easy to use image gallery with a Flash slideshow option.
- JetPack for WordPress: Jetpack adds powerful features previously only available to WordPress.com users including customization, traffic, mobile, content, and performance tools.
- WP Super Cache: Accelerates your blog by serving 99% of your visitors via static HTML files.
- Ultimate Social Media Icons: Promote your content by adding links to social sharing and bookmarking sites.
- Simple Tags: automatically adds tags and related posts to your content.
- BackupWordPress: easily backup your core WordPress tables.
- Google Analytics for WordPress: track visitors, AdSense clicks, outgoing links, and search queries.
- WP-Polls: Adds an easily customizable AJAX poll system to your blog.
- WP-PageNavi: Adds more advanced paging navigation.
- Ozh admin dropdown menu: Creates a drop down menu with all admin links.
- Contact From 7: Customizable contact forms supporting AJAX, CAPTCHA and Akismet integration.
- WP-Update-Notifier: Sends email to notify you if there are any updates for your WordPress site. Can notify about core, plugin and theme updates.
- Seriously Simple Podcasting: Simple Podcasting from your WordPress site.
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To get started with moderating, editing, and deleting comments, please visit the Comments screen in the dashboard.
Commenter avatars come from Gravatar.